It’s no secret, allergic diseases are on the increase around the globe and it’s vital to secure the services of a qualified specialist in the field. Tests and treatments prescribed by non-specialist practitioners are not always scientifically validated ones and often an expensive waste of money. Often patients are left with significant out of pocket expenses, as the services being provided by a non-specialist and have no or minimal Medicare rebates.
The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunologists and Allergists (ASCIA) have a position paper on these “allergy clinics” and recommends that only limited treatments or tests should be initiated outside the supervision of a qualified specialist in the field of Immunology and Allergy.
Allergists are specialist physicians in Immunology and Allergy and will be Fellows of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) or hold equivalent specialist physician qualifications from an international body.
All specialist physicians in Immunology and Allergy will have completed basic physician training in either adult medicine or paediatrics before undertaking advanced training.
Only allergy specialists have the skills set, training and knowledge to be able to diagnose, investigate and manage patients suffering from the following conditions.
- Allergic disease
- Primary and secondary immunodeficiencies
- Systemic autoimmune and auto-inflammatory conditions